Our Pastor's Preaching Philosophy

At our church, Pastor David is deeply committed to gospel-centered expository preaching, a method that carefully explains and applies the Bible's text in its proper context. This approach ensures that God's Word is faithfully communicated to our congregation.

The Grand Narrative of Scripture

Pastor David structures his sermons around the grand narrative of the Bible, which consists of four major acts:

  1. Creation: God's perfect design

  2. Fall: Humanity's rebellion and sin

  3. Redemption: Jesus Christ's rescue plan

  4. Restoration: Renewal through Christ

This framework helps present the full scope of God's redemptive story in every sermon.

The PPGR Method

To align his sermons with this grand narrative, Pastor David uses the PPGR method (McKay Caston)

  • Principle: Reflects Creation by presenting the truth from the passage in context

  • Problem: Relates to the Fall by addressing sin and struggles

  • Gospel: Mirrors Redemption by highlighting Christ's saving work

  • Response: Aligns with Restoration by encouraging a new life in Christ

Impact on Our Congregation

This gospel-centered approach ensures that our sermons are:

  • Rooted in the overarching story of Scripture

  • Helping our church family understand biblical truths in their proper context

  • Encouraging recognition of personal struggles and the need for Christ

  • Emphasizing the importance of embracing Christ's salvation

  • Inspiring transformed lives in Christ

This method supports our church's vision of "Seeking to become DISCIPLES transformed by the GOSPEL to make DISCIPLES." We invite you to join us and experience the power of God's Word preached faithfully and applied practically to our lives.